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Austin Stout


Contest Prep and Health Coach/ NPC Bodybuilder


Austin Stout (B.S., CPT) is a coach and educator within the physique enhancement arena. Through his company Integrated Muscle and Health, Austin has worked with hundreds of competitors and non-competitors of all ages as well as with athletes outside of the physique arena. He has also spoken at several educational seminars and provides regular educational content on his platforms.


He is the co-host of two popular educational podcasts, as well. The Optimal Physique Development Podcast (OPD) and the Mind-Body Broadcast

Certified Strength Coach




I became interested in fitness while actively involved in the varsity wrestling program at my high school. My passion for weight training and nutrition came about because of training for athletics. Beyond high school, this was focused on the world of physique and performance enhancement. I enjoy sharing my knowledge with others and helping them achieve their goals while learning from them along the way.


I have worked with hundreds of competitors and non-competitors of all ages, as well as with athletes outside of the physique arena. I strive to treat each athlete as my number one priority and work closely with them to provide an approach that is not only methodical but practical.

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My goal with each client is to maximize each and every area of their programming through the use of science, anecdotal evidence, and practical experience. Control of lifestyle factors such as stress management that can aid in overall results and quality of life are also important. The body and the mind are strongly interconnected, and ensuring each body system works in unison is vital to success and long term sustainability.


I have spoken at several educational seminars and provides regular educational content on my platforms. I am also the co-host of two popular educational podcasts, as well. The Optimal Physique Development Podcast (OPD) and the Mind-Body Broadcast.

Video of Austin from the IH conference on 9-21-2019 in Nashville, TN

You can find out more about Austin at the links below:

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