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Jeff Black


A Lion Heart Approach to Health and Fitness


Born with the brittle bone disease known as Osteogenesis-Imperfecta, Jeff learned to defy the odds and to believe in himself to accomplish something "impossible." Osteogenesis Imperfecta (O.I.) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by bones that break easily, often from little or no apparent cause. The disease affects roughly 25,000 people in the U.S. Depending on the severity of the disease, and those afflicted may have just a few or as many as several hundred fractures in a lifetime. By the time he was fourteen years old, Jeff had endured eighteen surgeries on his legs to allow him to walk. His journey into health and fitness began the moment a physical therapist handed him a weight to help make his upper body stronger to utilize his wheelchair and crutches better. From that moment, he was hooked on the empowerment working out gave him, and he knew his life would never be the same. He knew at a young age that if he gave his all, he could accomplish anything. Walking, without any aids, would be his first accomplishment.


Since then, Jeff has continued to defy the odds by competing in bodybuilding since 2006. Each year, he steadily improves his physique and conditioning, having placed in the top 5 in all his local and regional shows with his highest placing nationally in 2017 Junior Nationals, having earned 2nd in his weight class. In 2013, Jeff linked up with Jason Theobald, who has remained Jeff's coach and developed into mentoring Jeff. From the mentoring developed, Jeff's understanding that when a person has belief, passion, and grit, anything can be realized and accomplished. When those three collide,  great things happen, and Jeff tries to create this for each of his clients. Passion for their goals. Belief in themselves. Grit to accomplish anything. Jeff prides himself on his top-notch customer communication and care. These two are critical to accomplishing and achieving the best you, no matter your goal.


Currently, Jeff coach's clients full time, both in-person and online, having over 15 years of experience, he has enjoyed working with his clients on their journey as the coach and trainer. Jeff also owns a gym in Hermitage, TN, called Iron House Strength and Conditioning. His goal is to create a facility that is a "fitness factory" appealing to everyone. Diversity is the cornerstone of this facility, a place where all are welcomed and encouraged.


Jeff believes that health and fitness are the most important things people should strive to control to live fulfilling lives. As Jeff always tells his clients, "To make a healthy change not only physically, but mentally as well, you must be relentless to making this happen for you. Empower yourself and become you unapologetically. It is time to look at yourself in the mirror and be your hero.”



B.S., Bachelor of Science, University of Phoenix

ISSA – Certified Personal Trainer

Elite Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Academy Certified

NCI – Gut Health Master Class for Continued Education

USA Weightlifting Sports Performance Coach

Urban Active’s 2008 Trainer of the Year


Jeff has a student heart and a real passion for pursuing continued knowledge, education, and wisdom through various and opposing points to understand key concepts to create an impact in his community and with the community at large. Jeff and Jason founded the Physique Education Collective to bring knowledge that applies and helpful to those who seek it, while also collaborating with top upcoming fitness and health coaches in the industry.


For consultations and coaching inquiries, email Jeff directly at:

Video of Jeff from the IH conference on 9-21-2019 in Nashville, TN

You can find out more about Jeff at the links below:

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